
If you are determined to pursue a business degree but find yourself uncertain about where it may lead you? Look no further than Concordia's Bachelor's in Business Administration. 我们的课程是为满足您的个人需求而设计的, 提供量身定制的选择,让你走上成功之路. 你是否选择专攻一般业务, 人力资源管理, 或者医疗保健管理, 有一条明确的路线供你探索和发展.

学分 120
每学分成本 $490



Concordia's Business Administration degree not only equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the complex world of business but also fosters ethical leadership qualities essential for success in a globalized economy. Through a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide array of business principles and practices, 鼓励学生进行批判性思考, 发展创造性的问题解决策略, 提高他们的沟通能力. 有机会专攻一般业务, 人力资源管理, 或者医疗保健管理, students can tailor their education to suit their career goals and interests, 确保他们在自己选择的领域做好充分的准备.


The vision of the Business Administration program is to develop graduates who are not only ethical and effective business leaders grounded in Christian faith, but also compassionate individuals who strive to serve others through their vocation. They are prepared to be globally-minded citizens equipped to excel in a rapidly evolving globalized economy. These graduates will be critical thinkers and creative problem-solvers, adept at navigating the intricate challenges of the business world with innovative solutions. 此外, 通过制备, 他们将是有效的沟通者, skilled at clearly and concisely articulating their ideas to both internal and external stakeholders, fostering strong relationships and driving success in their endeavors.


Cater your education to fit your needs and wants by choosing one of our 三个浓度.


A business concentration will allow you to explore how businesses are structured while providing you with the skills you’ll need to succeed in almost any environment. You’ll gain mastery of current software for designing and managing business projects while adopting proven project management tools and techniques at each stage in a project’s lifecycle. You’ll gain an understanding of how to integrate organizational strategies that involve the parent, 供应商, and sub-供应商 organizations working together in domestic and global environments.

你还将获得营销工具的实用知识, 市场细分, 决策中的研究分析, 媒体及推广, 预算, 和评估. From developing a comprehensive and viable business plan to setting and obtaining investment objectives – such as capital, 债务, 证券化, and government-subsidized options – this concentration will arm you with a variety of applicable skills. 最重要的是, you’ll acquire skills and experience that’ll help you become the well-rounded and insightful leader your organization deserves, 无论你是在做小生意, 投资, 或者房地产.


This concentration in human resources will teach you about important federal and state legislation, 判例法判决, 以及影响雇佣关系的行政命令. You’ll learn to analyze a compensation plan that identifies and describes plan objectives, 工资结构. 附带福利. You’ll also learn how to identify organizational needs for 安全 plans in multiple areas governed by OSHA related to employee health, 安全, 和安全. You’ll engage management techniques that integrate employee and organizational development with leadership, 学习招聘的组织策略, 选择, 培训, 保留, 以及员工的发展.

战略规划呢?? Yep, you’ll gain an understanding of how it relates to the workforce and human resource development. 在整个集中, you’ll identify and describe the elements of servant leadership that apply to the work of the human resource professional.



There are so many intricacies to working in the field of healthcare. This concentration in healthcare management focuses primarily on working with others in the field of healthcare. It all starts with your ability to recognize every individual as a holistic being created by God – someone whose dignity, 价值, 人权理应得到尊重和维护.

Our healthcare management courses will help you grow adept at analyzing different healthcare systems. 你将培养综合科学知识的能力, 人文学科, and management theories as a basis for problem-solving and decision-making. You will be expected to display a willingness to work cohesively and communicate with members of the interdisciplinary healthcare network. You’ll discover an ability to recognize and analyze current trends and issues related to healthcare management, 哪些会帮助你在整个职业生涯中成长. And you’ll earn respect for diversity within the healthcare community – for both those who are served and the providers of care.

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